Localization & Optimization

Localization & Optimization


How can we localize your channel ?

Title & Subtitle localization

Well-written titles can be the difference between someone watching and sharing your video, or scrolling right pass it. Adapting your title to the country's culture will increase your Click Through Rate (CTR)

Content Localization

We will adapt your video metadata and caption locally to consolidate your viewership and channel subscribers and add subtitles and captions to your videos to make your content available to a broader audience.

The advantages of having a localization strategy

Your channel will reach global communities speaking varied languages, and localization will help your audience to be engaged, thus improving your discoverability and then your income.

Deliver your content globally, in the language of your fans.

We can provide subtitles for your content, adapt the title of your videos, schedule the releases given the time zone of your audience and optimize your video and playlist metadata. Your message deserves to be heard globally.


Based on YouTube Algorithm
We will optimize your channel based on YouTube’s algorithm, to make it show more often in recommended videos
Data-Based Recommendations
Based on data, we will know what kind of video becomes more popular, and we will give you're the right recommendation
Keyword Optimization
With our keyword’s optimization, your video will show up more in research and get more recommended
Mobile Optimization
We will perform mobile optimization: More than 50% of YouTube traffic comes from mobile and YouTube represent 35% of all global mobile internet traffic

SEO Analysis


We can retrieve the keywords and the SEO of your competitors to provide analysis of their strategy and therefore adapt yours always to maximize your viewership.
